Produse pentru echipamente laborator (1050)

Spatulă din Oțel Inoxidabil - Dispozitiv de Prelevare pentru Materiale în Vrac, Volum 50 ml

Spatulă din Oțel Inoxidabil - Dispozitiv de Prelevare pentru Materiale în Vrac, Volum 50 ml

Probenspatel aus Edelstahl V4A (1.4404). Die sehr stabile und massive Bauart des Spatels ermöglicht auch ein Einstechen in feste Substanzen oder in Säcke und BigBags. Der Spatel aus hochwertigem Edelstahl ist hochglanzpoliert und komplett verschweißt und somit rundum hinterschneidungsfrei. Er eignet sich daher hervorragend zur Probenahme von Pulvern, Granulaten und pastösen Medien, vor allem im Lebensmittel- und Pharmabereich. Material:Edelstahl V4A (1.4404) Volumen:50 ml Einstechtiefe:188 mm Gesamtlänge:300 mm


%0.9 Isotonic NaCl Solution Sodium: 154 mEq/I | Chloride: 154 mEq Clear | Odorless IVD | Sterile | pH 5.5-7.0 Storage 2-12 °C For medical device use. Not for intravenous use. What is Isotonic Sodium Chloride Solution? Isotonic sodium chloride solution has many applications, such as cleaning, sterilization, and preparation of medical devices. The characteristic of isotonic water allows it to have the same osmotic pressure as intracellular and extracellular fluids, meaning it does not cause any harm when it comes into contact with body tissues. Isotonic chloride solution is used to clean the surfaces of medical devices and to eliminate microorganisms. The use of this solution, especially for surgical instruments, reduces the risk of infection while ensuring that the devices remain sterile. Additionally, devices sterilized with isotonic water solution do not cause any irritation when in contact with body tissues, making this solution a safe and effective cleaning agent. Its versatile use allows for the safe and effective use of medical devices. Isotonic water is also used in areas such as moisturizing and lubricating medical devices. Especially for medical devices that need to be placed inside the body, moistening them with isotonic water allows for easier and more comfortable placement into the body. This application increases patient comfort while ensuring that the device can be placed without damaging body tissues. Furthermore, the use of isotonic waters reduces friction, minimizing the risk of injury during the procedure. Medical devices are also cleaned with isotonic water after the procedure. Body fluids, blood, and other waste on the devices are effectively cleaned with isotonic water, making the devices ready for reuse. The use of isotonic water for this purpose better prepares the devices for sterilization processes and reduces the risk of infection. Therefore, isotonic water plays an effective role in the safe and effective use of medical devices. Product Code: AKL-405


The UV measuring probes with 14 mm diameter only serve as compact, long-term, stable measuring heads for the supervision of UV irradiation systems and for UV measurements in inaccessible locations. In addition, optional water and light guide adapters enable the application in hot locations and in water disinfection systems. The integrated electronics generate a signal voltage that is transferred to the UV monitor RM-31 or to the PLC with low noise by a shielded cable.
Serviciul de Prelucrare a Foliilor Metalice la RPWORLD - Prelucrarea foilor metalice și asamblări preliminare

Serviciul de Prelucrare a Foliilor Metalice la RPWORLD - Prelucrarea foilor metalice și asamblări preliminare

RPWORLD offers sheet metal fabrication and pre-assemblies services as the complementary of our one-stop manufacturing service. The core benefits of this process include one-stop service, wide materials selection, hardware inserts, and our extensive experience in applications. - Wide Material Selection Aluminum, brass, copper, steel, tin, nickel and titanium. For decorative uses, important sheet metals include silver, gold, and platinum. - Hardware Inserts Choose from hundreds of in-house hardware inserts specifically designed for sheet metal fabrication. - One-stop Service Maintain consistent part quality and guaranteed lead times under our one-stop service. - Rich Experience for Various Applications Auto parts, medical devices, home appliances, robotics, scientific instruments etc. Industries Applied: - Medical Device Manufacturing - Automotive - Scientific Instrument - Mechanical Engineering - Robotic - Design Industries Applied:Medical Device Industries Applied:Scientific Instrument
Labjack - DIN 12897

Labjack - DIN 12897

stainless steel plates*shear resistant pattern*top plate with hole Ø 10 mm*for Usbeck flexible clamp*no. 2684, 2686*rubber feet
CryoSAS - Sistem de Analiză a Siliciului Criogenic

CryoSAS - Sistem de Analiză a Siliciului Criogenic

The Bruker Optics` Cryogenic Silicon Analysis System (CryoSAS) is a dedicated all-in-one system for the low temperature (<15K) impurity analysis of Silicon. CryoSAS is optimized for operation in the industrial environment. CryoSAS combines Bruker's high performance FTIR spectrometers with built-in, closed-cycle cryo-cooling technique that does not require any liquid Helium. All CryoSAS components are state-of-the-art, yet utilize proven technologies to accomplish a difficult analysis in the demanding silicon production environment. CryoSAS can be operated at a high level of automation including accurate reporting of the analysis results.
Chirana - Seringi 3 buc - Luer Lock - 1ml, 2ml, 3ml, 5ml, 10ml, 20ml, 30ml, 50ml - Fabricate în Europa

Chirana - Seringi 3 buc - Luer Lock - 1ml, 2ml, 3ml, 5ml, 10ml, 20ml, 30ml, 50ml - Fabricate în Europa

Les seringues jetables en 3 parties sont fabriquées en polypropylène, polyéthylène et caoutchouc synthétique lubrifié. Elles sont apyrogènes, sans latex, sans DEHP, sans PVC et non toxiques. Faible volume d'espace mort pour 1 ml. La seringue avec aiguille est disponible dans d'autres combinaisons d'aiguilles. Commodité de l’utilisateur : conception ergonomique, flux fluide, barillet très transparent, serré, graduation étendue noire et facile à lire. Sécurité de l’utilisateur : plaquette thermoformée individuelle et l’aiguille est emballée sur le côté dans un seul blister. Confort : embout conçu pour une meilleure connexion, sans rayures pour la manipulation des gants et embout de verrouillage luer positionné de manière centrée. Sécurité du patient : usage unique uniquement.
Răzuitoare și Echipamente de Laborator - TEMA Echipamente SAS - Răzuitor și Echipamente de Laborator - 15

Răzuitoare și Echipamente de Laborator - TEMA Echipamente SAS - Răzuitor și Echipamente de Laborator - 15

Machines d'analyses de criblage - Screening Analysis Machines Nos tamiseuses analytiques permettent le tamisage automatique de tout produit en vrac pouvant être criblé dans des fractions granulométriques différentes pour l'obtention de répartitions granulométriques reproductibles. Our analytical screening machines cover a range of analysis from 10µm up to 125 mm. Nearly all applications can be handled by our wide range of air-jet sieves and horizontally and vertically vibrating screening machines. Even analytical samples of up to 50 kgs, which may be necessary due to grain size and composition, can be analyzed by our machines with a screening area of 1 m². Échantillonnage / réduction / Matériel de laboratoire - Sampling / Size reduction / Laboratory equipment Notre programme de livraison inclus des appareils de préparation des échantillons - concasseurs, broyeurs et appareils de séparation - ainsi que des machines pour l'analyse de la taille des particules et pour la...
Echipamente de laborator și dispozitive de măsurare - Măsurători de pH portabile și de banc

Echipamente de laborator și dispozitive de măsurare - Măsurători de pH portabile și de banc

Nos multiples partenariats avec des fabricants européens de matériels laboratoire nous permettent de couvrir la quasi-totalité des vos besoins en équipements et matériels scientifiques pour le laboratoire. C’est ainsi que nous pouvons vous proposer par exemples : des balances de précision, des balances industrielles, des densimètres électroniques, des réfractomètres électroniques, des colorimètres, des spectrophotomètres, des points éclairs, des bain-marie, des bain de sable, des agitateurs magnétiques chauffants, des plaques chauffantes, des bains à ultrasons, des thermomètres électroniques, des évaporateurs rotatifs, des cryothermostats, des enceintes climatiques, des étuves, des homogénéiseurs, des agitateurs à hélice pour laboratoire et pour l’industrie …
Spectrometru de Mobilitate Ionică MaOS HiSpec - Sisteme de analiză a gazelor

Spectrometru de Mobilitate Ionică MaOS HiSpec - Sisteme de analiză a gazelor

MaOS HiSpec. High resolving power drift tube ion mobility spectrometer Application areas: - Health care - Drug discovery - Pharmacy - Environmental monitoring - Explosives detection - Forensic science - Biotechnology Main advantages: - Improved selectivity thanks to twice increased resolving power - Possibility to apply different ionization methods - Integrated technical solution for combination with different separation techniques


SOFÁ DE PROCEDIMIENTO CRP se utiliza en la mayoría de las salas de consulta médica durante el examen médico y la realización de diversos procedimientos. Couch es un marco de metal empolvado y colocado sobre él. El color de la tapicería de la Mentira es seleccionado por el cliente. El ángulo de elevación del reposacabezas está ajustado. Para optimizar el transporte, el producto se entrega sin montar. Además, es posible producir un marco reforzado totalmente soldado del sofá, equipado con el estante de infusión, la mesa para inyección, los apoyabrazos, los cinturones de seguridad, etc.
Centrifugă Verticală pentru Plantă Pilot Pharma - Categorii: Centrifuge, Echipamente de Laborator și Plantă Pilot

Centrifugă Verticală pentru Plantă Pilot Pharma - Categorii: Centrifuge, Echipamente de Laborator și Plantă Pilot

Pharma design - Series V 300 - 500 TP The HEINKEL Pilot Plant Vertical centrifuges are characterized by a mobile compact design and easy installation for use in the laboratory and pilot plant. The centrifuge is specially designed for cGMP requirements in the pharmaceutical industry. Special properties for the benefit of the customer: Mobile, compact design Very simple installation “plug and use” application Ideal for “up scaling” Very simple to operate CIP cleaning For installation within isolators/glove boxes


Sans RNase et DNase, sans ADN humain et pyrogène. (10µl, 20µl, 100µl, 200µl, 100 - Pointes compatibles avec les marques de pipettes suivantes : Axygen, Biohit, Sartorius, BrandTech, Capp Aero, et Eppendorf. Conditionnement : par 50 rack de 96 pointes. 1 carton : 4800 pointes. Délais : 30 à 45 jours. Rack de 96 pointes disponibles en échantillons !
TIMM Mini Bite | Clema de împământare ATEX - Clema mică de împământare pentru aplicații de laborator și banc de lucru

TIMM Mini Bite | Clema de împământare ATEX - Clema mică de împământare pentru aplicații de laborator și banc de lucru

Applications: Small cans, canister, buckets, funnels; filling and pouring on work and laboratory benches; earthing of very small plant components or when using small drum pumps or stirrers Ex zones:0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22 Made in:Germany Certificate:TPS 20 ATEX 109833 0001 X
Microscopie cu Forță Atomică - Microscop cu Forță Atomică Cypher S

Microscopie cu Forță Atomică - Microscop cu Forță Atomică Cypher S

The Asylum Research Cypher S is the base model of the Cypher AFM microscope family. The Cypher S was the first commercially available fast-scanning AFM, and the Cypher family AFMs remain the only full-featured fast-scanning AFMs that are compatible with a complete range of modes and accessories. Cypher AFMs have also earned a reputation for easily achieving higher resolution than other AFMs. The Cypher S is a great AFM for both materials science and life science research for ambient measurements in both air and liquids. The Cypher S is fully upgradable later for environmental control options or even video-rate scanning. Routinely achieve higher resolution than other AFM microscopes Fast scanning with results in seconds instead of minutes Every step of operation is simpler for remarkable productivity Small footprint in the lab, huge potential to grow in capability Support that goes above and beyond your expectations ** Click to request pricing **
Mixer de Laborator Tip M - Cel Mai Mare Dintre Cei Mici

Mixer de Laborator Tip M - Cel Mai Mare Dintre Cei Mici

Das Universaltalent für Versuchsmischungen und Kleinproduktionen von Schüttgütern – perfekt zum Mischen, Coaten, Compoundieren und Granulieren in Labor und Technikum. Produktvorteile • Ideal einsetzbar zur Rezepturerprobung und Verfahrensentwicklung • Sicheres Scale-up auf den Produktionsprozess • Plug & Play-Mischer, CE-geprüft, ausgestattet mit drehzahlgeregeltem Antrieb und Mischbehälter mit Doppelmantel zum Heizen/Kühlen • Optimiertes Handling und einfachste Reinigung • Integrierte Steuerung für manuelle und automatische Betriebsweise bei intuitiver Bedienung
Autoclave de capacitate medie și mare - Autoclav electric de 230 de litri EH230 RSC

Autoclave de capacitate medie și mare - Autoclav electric de 230 de litri EH230 RSC

** Voir la description complète du produit sur notre site ** ** Ou bien demandez-nous un devis **
TRANSPORT DE ECHIPAMENTE MEDICALE - pentru farmacii și laboratoare

TRANSPORT DE ECHIPAMENTE MEDICALE - pentru farmacii și laboratoare

Transport médical urgent Ce service est exclusivement destiné aux pharmacies et laboratoires qui souhaitent être livrés dans des conditions respectant les normes dues à la spécificité du produit. Types de marchandises: Flux de sang ,Vaccins ,Essais Cliniques ,Matières infectieuses ,Produits biologiques Organisation transports: Le transport dédié ou en tournées dans des délais Express. Capacité de transport: Les différents types de véhicules ont une capacité de moins de 3,5 Tones et de 6 à 20 m3. Possibilité de capacités supérieure sur demande. Transports soumis et non soumis ADR. Le partenaire incontournable des Professionnels de la Santé La complémentarité et le savoir-faire 2H TRANSPORTS permettent de prendre en charge l’ensemble des besoins de transports et de logistique du secteur de la Santé. Notre culture du partenariat client, notre qualité de service et notre capacité d’innovation garantissent la performance, la sécurité, la réactivité et la traçabilité de nos solutions.
PULVERISETTE 2 - Râșniță de Mortar

PULVERISETTE 2 - Râșniță de Mortar

Durch ihre spezielle Arbeitsweise ist die FRITSCH Mörsermühle PULVERISETTE 2 die ideale Universalmühle im Labor – für Analyse, Qualitätskontrolle und Materialprüfung genauso wie zum Mischen und Homogenisieren von Pasten und Cremes im Labormaßstab. Ihre besonders temperaturschonende Zerkleinerung durch Verreibung ist ideal zur Aufbereitung von Tabletten in der Galenik. Mit flüssigem Stickstoff mahlt sie auch schwierige Proben mit feuchter, faseriger oder elastischer Struktur. Und auch zum Mischen von Feststoffen oder Flüssigkeiten und Feststoffen ist die PULVERISETTE 2 ideal geeignet. Mit kurzen Mahl- und Mischzeiten, verlässlich reproduzierbar, verlust- und staubfrei. Für Endfeinheiten zwischen 10 und 20 μm bei einer Aufgabegröße von 6 – 8 mm und einer max. Aufgabemenge von bis zu 190 ml. Anwendungsbereich: Pharmazie, Lebensmittel, Chemie, Bergbau und Hüttenwesen, Metallurgie, Geologie und Mineralogie, Glas- und Keramikindustrie, Land- und Forstwirtschaft.
IMPACK 1.0 - Mașină de Blister Compactă pentru Laborator

IMPACK 1.0 - Mașină de Blister Compactă pentru Laborator

Ciclo completo con una sola macchina Le fasi di formatura, sigillatura e taglio sono facili grazie alla selezione del ciclo di lavoro dal pannello touch-screen e il cambio formato rapido. La produzione di piccoli lotti di blister che in precedenza era affidato a fornitori o reparti esterni, ora è possibile produrlo all'interno del laboratorio senza la necessità di attrezzature speciali o personale specializzato, con una conseguente riduzione dei costi, minimizzazione dei ritardi e ottimizzazione dei tempi di lancio del prodotto sul mercato. ​ Veloce e facile da installare, per utilizzare IMPack 1.0 non è richiesta alcuna formazione specializzata e, di conseguenza, un tecnico specializzato. ​ ​La nuova versione 2020 consente la completa intercambiabilità tra gli stampi IMPACK1.0 con gli stampi IMPACK4.0
Gama Aquarius de spectrofotometre cu fascicul dublu UV/Visible

Gama Aquarius de spectrofotometre cu fascicul dublu UV/Visible

Cecil Instruments now include four different models within their trusted Aquarius range of spectrophotometers. These multi-lingual double beam spectrophotometers may be operated in a choice of six languages. They provide superb performance, have powerful ESEF software and are fully accessorised. The range includes spectrophotometers with pharmacopoeial compliance, wavelength ranges between 190 to 1,100 nm, bandwidths, both fixed and variable, from 0.5 to 4 nm and PC control options. These versatile Cecil Instruments’ spectrophotometers may also be pre-programmed for use with proprietary test kits, for a vast range of assays, dedicated to water and effluent analysis. Life science and food and beverage pre-programmes, are available too. These spectrophotometers bring reliability, high performance, speed, versatility and convenience to R & D, Quality Control and Academia.
măsurarea vâscozității și densității în linie, online, în timp real

măsurarea vâscozității și densității în linie, online, în timp real

Ultra high accuracy simultaneous density and viscosity metering for gas, fluids - Single instrument for simultaneous process density, viscosity and temperature Monitor even gas density and viscosity Accurate measurement in the harshest of conditions Operational to 15,000 psi (1000 bar) & 400 °F (200°C) Full Titanium Grade 5 construction High accuracy for gas density and viscosity monitoring Available for LNG and natural gas density monitoring
Spălător de Gaz de Laborator

Spălător de Gaz de Laborator

Laborgaswäscher wurden speziell für den Einsatz in Laborräumen konzipiert. Haupteinsatzgebiet ist die Abscheidung starker Säuren. Laborgaswäscher dienen zur Abscheidung starker Säuren bei Laborabluft. Er enthält ein kompaktes Komplettgerät mit integrierter Steuerung. Die Aufstellung erfolgt innerhalb der Labore und sind für Volumenströme von 600-2400m³/h geeignet. Im Werkstoff PP lieferbar. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auf unserer Homepage oder direkt auf Anfrage. Deutschland: Deutschland
PP - Polipropilen

PP - Polipropilen

it is characterized by high chemical resistance to certain acids, oils and fats. It is easy to weld, but it does not conduct heat, it is nontoxic and harmless to people. It is made of containers for yogurts, bottles, tourist plates, cable insulations, bumpers, gas installation pipes. He also found application in the production of laboratory and medical equipment.
BM21A Mașină cu Ax Flexibil - Motor Suspendat - Motor Pendul

BM21A Mașină cu Ax Flexibil - Motor Suspendat - Motor Pendul

This innovative machine which is developed with the latest technology; helps to you achieve that the best results in all applications, including jewellery, molding and dental prosthesis. High torque at all speeds. It provides the best efficiency in daily use by providing a soft and controlled speed adjustment. HIGH PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY QUIETER RUNNING ALUMINUM MOTOR BODY SUSTAINABLE POWER
Catalog de Echipamente de Laborator Humeau - HUMEAU MARCA: GAMA DE ECHIPAMENTE DE LABORATOR

Catalog de Echipamente de Laborator Humeau - HUMEAU MARCA: GAMA DE ECHIPAMENTE DE LABORATOR

Laboratoires HUMEAU a élaboré, en collaboration avec des industriels de haut niveau, une gamme de matériels de laboratoire sous la marque HUMEAU à destination des responsables de laboratoire, laborantins, chercheurs, techniciens… Avec Humeau La marque, imaginons l’avenir ensemble.
VACUSERA 6 ml CAT Activator de Coagulare a Serului - Analiza sângelui cu activator de coagulare

VACUSERA 6 ml CAT Activator de Coagulare a Serului - Analiza sângelui cu activator de coagulare

Vacusera Serum Clot Activator Tubes are used for clinical biochemistry and immunology. The inner wall of the Serum Clot Activator Tube is specially coated with clot activator, which activate coagulation process. Reference :235206 Draw volume:6 ml Size:13 x 100 mm Shelf life:18 months Cap Color:Red Label:Paper Pack / Box:100 / 1200
IDL - Laborator Lingvistic AA / AAC IDL

IDL - Laborator Lingvistic AA / AAC IDL

IDL è un prodotto professionale, progettato per la produzione e registrazione di audio di altissima qualità, fondamentale in un ambiente di apprendimento lingue straniere. IDL A.A. offre diverse e complete scelte di funzioni. Progettato per accrescere la comunicazione orale e permettere esercitazioni linguistiche semplici, riproduzione tipiche della vita quotidiana. L’interfaccia software completamente grafica fa di IDL uno strumento semplice e immediato sin dal primo utilizzo con la classe Richiede un solo PC nella postazione dell’insegnante Non sono richieste competenze tecniche o informatiche per il suo utilizzo Estremamente semplice da usare, assicura costantemente il totale controllo della classe e delle attività Adatto ad un uso intensivo Nessuna manutenzione richiesta da parte del personale tecnico Uno strumento di lavoro effettivo che non impone specifiche condizioni operative agli utuilizzatori
Cântare Analitice

Cântare Analitice

Diverse Analysewaage für Ihre Anforderungen
cryokit Kit de Start Echipamentul Tău Personal de Protecție

cryokit Kit de Start Echipamentul Tău Personal de Protecție

Spezialsortiment von Handschuhen und Zubehör für den Arbeitsschutz im Umgang mit flüssigem Stickstoff und anderen tiefkalten Gasen Praktischer Tragekoffer, enthält: – 1 Paar CryoPlus 400 Handschuhe (Gr. M – XXL) – 1 Schürze T-Cryo Light – 1 Durchsichtigen Cryo-Gesichtsschutz – 1 Paar Überschuhe Ghette-Cryo Geeignet als Notfallausrüstung an Bord von Fahrzeugen.